Rm 11 Has a New Blog

Hi everyone! We have a new blog: Learning World 11

We have two new mice, but we still put flowers on Fluff’s grave and have his picture up to remember him. Sometimes kids who have left Rm 11 come and show us our work- we love that!

We hope everyone who knows us has a Happy Easter. Visit us on our new blog and tell us what you are up to!

Fluff’s Funeral

Here are some pictures of Fluff’s funeral. He is buried behind Room 17 and you can see him from the footpath. It was a lovely ceremony. He was well loved.

Fluff, a.k.a Flufforama, Fluffmeister, Mr Magoo, Little Boy, and McPoopypants.

Fluff came to Rm 11 in February 2010 as a little bundle of fur with a larger than life attitude. He quickly stole the hearts of anyone who spent time with him. He has, in his brief life, known over 75 children and their families. He has taught us to appreciate the simple things in life, like popcorn, cat biscuits, and lettuce. He has survived swimming and sailing in kitchen sinks, he has bitten and been bitten so his tail had a kink, he has been adored by little kids, he has escaped those same little kids and also, he has hidden from Harry’s cats and hidden from frantic families as well.

Fluff, when you first came to us, we knew you were here for a short time. We promised you that we would give you the best two years of life, and we did it! But we will also remember how you brought fun and laughter to two years of our lives. Rest in peace, little buddy.